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Travelling with kids, Netflix, Nintendo Switch + Roblox

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Travelling Abroad with Kids: The Ultimate Guide

Ah, the joy of travel. The thrill of the unknown, the beauty of new landscapes, the sheer horror of trying to keep your children entertained on a long-haul flight. Yes, dear reader, taking your offspring on an international adventure is a bit like wrestling a bear: it sounds exciting until you actually try it. But fear not, for I am here to guide you through the perils of globetrotting with your little darlings, with a bit of help from modern technology.

The Preparation

Passports and Paperwork

First things first, make sure those passports are up to date. You don’t want to find out at the airport that little Timmy’s passport expired last month. Trust me, explaining to a five-year-old that they can’t go to Disneyland Paris because Daddy forgot to check the dates is not fun.


Now, onto the packing. Think you can just chuck everything into a suitcase and be done with it? Wrong. Packing for kids is a military operation. Here’s the list:

  • Clothes: Enough for at least three outfit changes per day. Kids are messier than a pub on New Year’s Eve.
  • Snacks: More than you think is humanly possible to consume.
  • Toys: A selection, but not the entire toy box.
  • Tech: The holy grail of keeping kids entertained.

The Tech Arsenal

Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch is your new best friend. Portable, versatile, and capable of keeping kids occupied for hours. Stock up on games like “Mario Kart” and “Animal Crossing” to keep them glued to the screen. Just make sure you bring extra Joy-Con controllers for when they inevitably fight over who gets to play next.


Roblox is like digital Lego, except it won’t leave you with sore feet when you step on it. Download it onto their tablets and let them lose themselves in an endless array of user-generated games. It’s online, so make sure you have a decent Wi-Fi connection or, even better, download some games for offline play.

Netflix in Offline Mode

Netflix, the modern-day nanny. Download a bunch of their favourite shows and movies before you leave. “Paw Patrol,” “Peppa Pig,” or whatever else the little monsters are into these days. Make sure you have plenty of content to get through long flights and layovers.

At the Airport

Airports, the seventh circle of hell for parents. Here’s how to survive:

  • Check-in Early: Give yourself plenty of time. Kids move slower than a glacier.
  • Security: Explain the process to your kids beforehand. They might think the security scanner is a fun game, but it’s not fun for anyone else.
  • Lounge Access: If you can swing it, get access to an airport lounge. More space, less chaos, and free snacks. Bliss.

On the Plane


Pre-book your seats. Aim for the bulkhead if you can. More legroom means more space for kids to wiggle around without kicking the seat in front of them (as much).

In-Flight Entertainment

Most long-haul flights have in-flight entertainment, but don’t rely on it. Have your tech arsenal ready. Headphones are a must. Kids playing “Baby Shark” on repeat is a surefire way to make enemies of your fellow passengers.


Airplane food and kids don’t mix. Bring your own snacks. Preferably something that doesn’t create too much mess. Avoid sugar bombs unless you want them bouncing off the cabin walls.

At the Destination


Book a place with enough space. A cramped hotel room is a recipe for disaster. Consider an apartment or Airbnb where you can spread out and feel somewhat at home.


Research kid-friendly activities ahead of time. Zoos, parks, and interactive museums are your friends. Keep a balance between planned activities and downtime to avoid meltdowns.

Tech Management

Set some ground rules for tech usage. You don’t want them glued to the screen the entire trip. Encourage them to enjoy the new experiences and scenery.

The Return Trip

By now, you’ll be a seasoned pro. Just repeat the process in reverse and pray that you make it home without losing your sanity.


If you need any of your Tech arsenal repaired prior  to your trip, we’re here to help!!



If you have any questions please  CONTACT US and we will be happy to to help with your enquiry.


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